How We Choose Our Skincare Ingredients

How do I know FWM Skincare Products Are Safe?

We are committed to handcrafting skincare products that are free from ingredients that cause endocrine disruption or toxic chemicals known to cause cancer.  We are committed to never using fragrance oils, and instead use only pure essential oils to scent our products.  

How do we ensure that our ingredients are safe?  Every ingredient I use is put through the Environmental Working Group website to assess it for safety by their standards.  You can check out their website here - EWG Skin Deep

The Environmental Working Group are the keepers of the Skin Deep Database, where they rank the safety of almost every ingredient used in skincare products.  I urge you to check it out and search up the ingredients in some of your favorite skincare products.  Each ingredient is looked at based on independent studies and reports to rank it on a scale of how hazardous it is to human health.  We only choose ingredients that are organic whenever possible and ranked as the lowest possible concern by EWG.  It is an easy way to ensure our products are as safe as possible.

What About Animal Testing?

We would never.  In fact, we don't need to.  We know our ingredients are safe. 

We'd much rather test our products out on our friends and family members, who can and do readily consent to testing.  

What About Allergies?

Our products are made from herbal infusions, essential oils and plants.  This can affect some people who have allergies to specific plant families.  I urge you to check out the ingredient list for any known allergies.  If you find out the hard way that you are allergic to a plant that you didn't know you were allergic to, contact me!  We can work on a return for you or an exchange for a product that doesn't contain that ingredient.  I do like to know what plants cause allergic reactions frequently in people so I don't lean on those herbs too heavily in formulation.  So definitely let me know by email or by the chat function on the website.

Why Use Herbal Skincare?

I started FWM Herbal because I wanted skincare products that made my skin more beautiful, were safe to use, and were affordable.  When I first began studying herbalism I began realized that a lot of the ingredients in my favorite skincare products were disrupting my health.  Through research, I learned that all of the functions promised by the chemicals in skincare products were provided by the herbs I loved so much.  And unlike the big companies that use only a little bit of the plant, we pour the herbal goodness into every single product we make. 

Have questions about our products or how the herbs work to improve our skin?  Feel free to reach out by email or chat.


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