Let's hear it for our favorite skincare herb here at FWM Herbal.
We use calendula blossoms in almost all of our skincare products.
And with good reason!
Calendula is healing to the skin's natural microbiome. It's a gentle antibacterial that naturally heals the skin. It's so healing that during the American Civil War it was common practice to pack wounds with calendula blossoms in order to help them heal without becoming infected.
But this sunny blossom does so much more than that.
When we combine calendula with arnica oil it works as a deodorant by killing the bacteria that causes body odor to form and allowing the good bacteria of the skin to flourish.
Calendula is healing to acne, fungal infections, and skin irritations. This makes it the perfect herb for diaper rash creams, acne creams and more. And it does all healing without itching or burning. It's resins are soothing to the skin, easing redness and irritation.
Calendula is high in antioxidants, making it a wonderful addition to foods and teas that ease inflammation throughout the body.
Internally calendula is classified as a warming lymphatic. In study it has been shown to heal the body after radiation therapy. It moves lymphatic fluids throughout the body allowing our natural immune system to work better while also easing swelling and bloating. It also works to heal and soothe the gut.
Whether taken as a tea or as an infused oil, calendula has so much to offer us. It is one of Mother Nature's skincare wonders.